Friday, March 12, 2010

Health Care Reform Might Just Be a GOOD idea

Attached is a thoughtful, well-reasoned article by a Nobel prize-winning economist. It addresses the myths being perpetrated by those opposed to reform, and provides a truthful look at why even the current diluted health care reform bill would benefit America. health care reform article

I am the face of those who will benefit from health care reform, because I am one of the millions of self-employed who finally had to bow out of health care insurance due to the exorbitant premium increases. I am healthy, thank goodness, but what of my fellow Americans who are not so lucky?

The Coffee Party

At long last, an organized and thoughtful gathering of Americans to talk civilly about the issues facing us all. To push our dysfunctional Congress back onto a productive path. To give us a voice.

The Coffee Party was born on Facebook just a few weeks ago, and already boasts over 100,000 fans. People are organizing meetings at coffee houses. This is a gathering of the left, right and middle - all together to talk openly and rationally about politics.

What an amazing concept - people of differing perspectives actually TALKING TO one another rather than SHOUTING AT one another. Join the Party!

Here is a link to a CNN article describing the phenomenon: click here

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How did we get in this Mess?

How did we get to a place where Congress has ground to a halt, even with a majority presence? Time Magazine online had an interesting article about it. It traces the problem to the polarization of the parties:

In the 1960s and '70s, as liberal Northern Democrats rallied behind civil rights, abortion rights, environmentalism and a more dovish foreign policy, conservative Southern Democrats began drifting into the GOP. And as the Republican Party shifted rightward, its Northern liberals became Democrats. Whereas many members of Congress had once been cross-pressured — forced to balance the demands of a more liberal party and a more conservative region, or vice versa — now party, region and ideology were increasingly aligned. Washington politics became less a game of Rubik's Cube and more a game of shirts vs. skins.

The first shirts-and-skins President was Ronald Reagan, the first truly conservative Republican elected in 50 years. But it was only after Reagan and his GOP successor, George H.W. Bush, left office that congressional Republicans realized they could use political polarization to stymie government — and use government failure to win elections. And with that realization, vicious-circle politics started to become an art form.
(full article is available here.)

In the Clinton era and now in the Obama era, the Republicans learned that they can hold power even as a minority by disrupting forward progress and then pointing their fingers at the lack of accomplishment and calling it a Democratic failure. Amazingly, voters buy this twisted logic, which further fuels the vicious circle.

It's up to us to stop the effectiveness of this game. We can put an end to it with our votes. Vote against the party that keeps us in the quagmire - whether it is Republican OR Democrat. Slap their hands and they'll stop playing the game, and hopefully get back to business. Or reward them, and we can watch this ineffective cycle continue as our country becomes weaker and weaker. It really is up to us.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Health Care Reform - Never?

I finally had to cancel my health insurance policy - it was just too expensive for a self-employed person during these recessionary times.

We all know how expensive disease treatment can be. So I will not go in for annual exams or any other preventative screening anymore, because if I were found to have a condition, I would not have adequate resources to seek treatment anyway.

Besides, I would then have a pre-existing condition that would preclude me from ever qualifying for health care. It's quite a predicament for a fifty-plus year old woman to be in.

Luckily, I am the model of health, without any conditions & with perfect 'stats'. But I am as susceptible to getting hit by a truck as the next person.

I am not alone. I number in the tens of millions in this country - people who do not have access to affordable health care.

The United States is the ONLY first world country that does not guarantee health care for their citizens. And the Republicans & Democrats dither about in Congress, caring more for hurting one another than for helping the people they were elected to serve. Shame on them all.